Super Yacht Registration New Guidelines 2017 for Pleasure Yachts

Transport Malta has recently introduced new guidelines allowing Super Yachts meant for pleasure use to carry more than 12 persons (excluding crew) without the need to comply with the provisions of the SOLAS Convention and the Passenger Yacht Code.

These guidelines where introduced in order to transpose recent trends in the yachting industry and by adapting registration requirements to new standards in the area of private yachting.

Super Yachts will therefore be allowed to carry more than 12 persons if they are more than 24 meters long (irrespective of their size) or at least 500GT or more (irrespective of their length).

Minimum parameters are set, these being:

· Navigation restricted within 150 NM from a safe heaven;

· Need to be classed (Only for Yachts ≥ 500GT);

· Possession of a stability booklet;

· Compliance with the Maltese Commercial Yacht Code;

· Installation of safety equipment depending on the expected persons on   board;

· Issuance of a Safety Radio Statement of Compliance (for yachts of ≥ 300 GT) and a Safety Radio Certificate for yachts of ≥ 500GTand

· Adoption of a crew compliment in line with the Commercial Yacht Code. 

For more information about yacht registration, feel free to contact any of our Yachting Specialist on

